Free Voice Over Casting

Hire professional voice actors direct

Post voice over jobs for free and get auditions from vetted, professional voice over talent.  No hidden fees or middleman hassle.

How VOPlanet Logo Works


Cast Voice Over Project

Post Your Project

Fill out a quick form and your voice over project is instantly sent to hundreds of vetted, professional voice actors. Posting vo projects is always completely free. You can start receiving voice over auditions right away.


Listen To Voice Over Auditions

Listen to Auditions

Voice over auditions are submitted to your personal dashboard. We only have professional voice talent – no beginners here – so you’ll only get quality voice overs. You can easily manage and shortlist favorites from any device.


Hire Professional Voice Actor

Hire Voice Actor

Choose the voice over you like and send a message to connect directly with the voice actor. Get your voice over and pay direct. No hidden fees, no commissions, just a direct connection to the perfect voice for your project.


casting is fast and free

Professional Voice Overs On Demand

VOPlanet is the fastest and easiest way to find and hire professional voice actors. Your gig posts instantly and our vetted voice actors audition fast. No waiting for your voice over job to post, slogging through amateur voices and then waiting hours for your voice over. Get the professional voice you need, when you need it. And your handy dashboard helps you manage your projects and auditions. You can easily message your favorite voice talent direct from any device. You'll also dig that we're fair to voice actors. We never take a commission or project management fee from your budget.

get started

Work Directly With The Most trusted voices in the industry

(Here's a few)

Head Shot of Voice Talent Kevin Scollin
Photo of VOPlanet Voiceover Actor Karina Nanez
Head Shot of Voice Talent Adrianne Price
Photo of VOPlanet Voiceover Actor Josh Mead
Photo of Voiceover Actor Victor Ramos
Photo of Voiceover Actor Stacy Thomas

Post your voice over job now and Find a professional Voice Actor

Cast voice overs and hire professional voice talent free in +20 languages. No hidden fees and no obligation.