How to Find Voice Over Work on VOPlanet

Create Your Profile
Your profile is a one-page voice actor website featuring your name, head-shot or logo, demos, work history, direct contact info, VO specialties and more.

Get Quality Job Offers
Voice over jobs are posted daily and members have access to every job posted on VOPlanet. Simply upload your audition and it is sent directly to the voice buyer.

Get Hired and Paid Direct
Keep track of all your auditions from your personal dashboard and communicate directly with voice buyers. You keep 100% of what you earn and you're free to build lasting work relationships offsite.
Start auditioning for voice over work now
Voice Over Auditions for Every Voice
Audition for voice over job opportunities in multiple industries. Voice buyers use VOPlanet to cast voice overs for everything from television and radio commercials to video game voice overs.

Get TV and radio commercial jobs in your inbox.

Share the knowledge by voicing eLearning jobs.

Find your next great audiobook narration job.

Find the next big animation or cartoon voice over job.

Find narration work for businesses, corporations, medical companies and more.

Video Games
Find video game voice over jobs that are both fun and lucrative.

Grow Your Voice Over Business
Join the team that changed the voice over industry for good. VOPlanet is where you find better paying VO jobs, set your own rates, have access to every job posted and work directly with voice buyers. We never charge commissions, which means you always keep 100% of what you earn. VOPlanet is where VO professionals go to grow their voice over business.