What If My Voice Over Has a Mistake

Sunday, September 15, 2024
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How to Handle Voice Over Script Mistakes and Changes

Mistakes. Everyone makes them. But what happens if your voice over has a mistake? Rest assured, addressing mistakes in voice overs is a straightforward process. Whether the error stems from a script change on your end or a mistake by the voice actor, resolving it can be swift and hassle-free with the right approach.


Identify the Issue

The first step in addressing a mistake in your voice over is to identify the exact issue. Listen to the voice over carefully and compare it against the script or your project requirements. Determine whether the mistake is a misread, mispronunciation, script change, or another discrepancy that needs correction.


If the Voice Talent Made a Mistake

If the voice actor inadvertently makes a mistake such as saying the wrong word or omitting a line, don't worry—it can be easily rectified. First, calmly communicate the specific error to the voice actor, providing clear details on what needs correction. An easy way to point out the mistake is to highlight the sentence or word that needs correction on the original script and send the highlighted script to the talent.

Most professional voice actors are diligent about maintaining accuracy and will be responsive to your request. They'll typically prioritize correcting the mistake swiftly, ensuring the revised voice over aligns perfectly with your project requirements. Most voice actors do not charge to correct a mistake they made. You should, however, request the correction as soon as possible.


If You Sent the Wrong Script

If you accidentally sent the wrong script to the voice actor, don't panic. It happens. It's important to act swiftly and communicate the error to the voice actor immediately. Provide the correct script along with any necessary context or changes, ensuring clarity on what needs to be recorded.

It's important to note that correcting or revising a script after it has been sent to the voice actor may incur additional charges. This is because it requires the voice actor to invest more time and effort into revising the recording to align with the updated script. Before requesting changes, it's advisable to review and finalize your script to minimize potential additional costs. Consider discussing revision fees with the talent prior to hiring them so there are no misunderstandings.



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If You Need a Small Script Change

Script changes are extremely common in some genres of voice over. Automotive advertising, in particular, has frequent script changes that require fast turn updates.

If you find that you need to change part of a script after it has been sent to the voice actor, communicate the revisions promptly and clearly. If you let the talent know about the changes quickly enough, you may be able catch the talent before they have recorded the incorrect script, which could save time and money. Provide the updated script along with specific instructions on the changes required. Nearly all voice actors have policies in place regarding script revisions, which typically involve a revision fee.


Voice Over Revision Fees and Policies

Most voice actors have revision fees in place for script changes or modifications after the initial recording. This fee covers the additional time and resources required to re-record or adjust the voice over to meet new specifications. The exact fee structure varies among voice actors, so it's advisable to ask about revision policies upfront before finalizing your project agreement.

The complexity and extent of the script changes often determine the revision fee charged by voice talent. Minor adjustments, such as a small word change, may incur lower fees or, sometimes, no fee all. In contrast, significant changes that require extensive re-recording or studio time may incur higher fees.


Prevent Voice Over Mistakes

The best way to reduce errors in your voice over projects is proactive prevention. You should supply clear pronunciations for any words or names that may be unfamiliar to the voice talent. This includes lesser-known cities, counties, streets, or names, which are easy to mispronounce. You can help by phonetically spelling out tricky terms in written form or providing a link to media where the correct pronunciation can be heard. By taking these simple steps, you can facilitate smoother recording sessions and more accurate voice overs that align perfectly with your project's needs.



Voice over script mistakes and changes are a common occurrence, but they are easily manageable with the right approach. Clear communication and collaboration are key; by promptly addressing any issues and providing clear direction, you can be sure that your voice over project stays on track and meets your expectations. Remember, mistakes happen, but with the support of experienced voice talent, you can achieve a polished and professional voice over.


VOPlanet is a global marketplace that connects freelance voice actors with creators, casting directors and other voice buyers. You can post a voice over job for free and get auditions in minutes.



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