7 of the Best Voice Over Podcasts

Thursday, February 20, 2020
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Seven Great Voice Over Podcasts


These days, there’s a podcast for everything. Voice over is no exception. Who loves to talk about talking more than voice actors? Plus, we already have all the cool gear to make a podcast! Which means there are a lot of voice actors out there cranking out podcasts. It’s tough to know which podcasts are worth your time. As always, VOPlanet is here to make things easy. Here are seven voice over podcasts that we highly recommend.


The Middle-Class VO Podcast

This one is a blast to listen to. Hosted by radio vets Kevin Kilpatrick and Bobbi Maxwell, the Middle-Class VO Podcast is an incredibly well-produced and expertly hosted program that touches on all aspects of voice over. Industry experts and leaders guest on the show. Topics covered include demo production, voice over conferences, radio imaging, VO business management and more. All with great information and formatted for fun listening.

Listen to Podcast: The Middle-Class VO Podcast




The VO BOSS Podcast encourages you to “rock your business like a boss. A VO Boss!” That really sums up this podcast. VO BOSS is all about the business of voice over. Hosted by top VO pro and voice coach Anne Ganguzza, VO BOSS is a breezy, fun listen with ton of great advice in every episode. The VO BOSS podcast blends solid, actionable business advice with a dose of inspiration for today’s voice over talent.

Listen to Podcast: VO BOSS



VO Meter

The VO Meter podcast is recommended by voice over vets and beginners alike. Hosts Paul Stefano and Sean Daeley keep the show moving at a brisk pace with delightful banter and a long list of great guests from all walks of the voice over industry. The VO Meter helps voice actors gauge where they are in their career and gives great advice on how to move your career forward.

Listen to Podcast: VO Meter



Everyday VOPreneur

Hosted by trusted voice over business coach Marc Scott, The Everyday VOPreneur Podcast focuses on the business of voice over. Marc inspires his listeners to work harder and work smarter. He offers great advice on marketing, setting and meeting business goals, and how to stay productive while working from home. There’s just an endless array of really smart ideas for growing and running your voice over business.

Listen to Podcast: Everyday VOPreneur



Voice Actors Find Jobs VOPlanet


VO Buzz Weekly

VO Buzz is a webs series and a podcast all rolled into one. Stellar hosts Chuck Duran and Stacey J. Aswad host from Los Angeles with a dazzling array of guest stars from the world of voice over. Get up close and personal with some of the biggest names in VO, get career motivation and tips from top industry pros. And laugh out loud as Stacey and Chuck get up close and personal with their special guests. Plus, explore techniques, products and equipment they use to maintain their voice, create characters and continue to stay at the top of their craft.

Listen to Podcast: VO Buzz Weekly


VO School Podcast

NYC local and voice actor/voice over coach extraordinaire Jamie Muffet is your host for the VO School Podcast. This podcast is truly a series with each episode building off the last. The VO School Podcast takes you on a journey through the ins and outs of the voice over industry. Get an inside look at the art, craft and business of voice over. With the help of some of the industry’s top professionals, find out what you really need to know!

Listen to Podcast: VO School Podcast


Talkin’ Toons

Rob Paulsen, one of the most accomplished and well-known voice actors of our time, sits down with various other voice actors to discuss their experiences. And yes, of course, there are plenty of voice acting games from script-reading to re-enacting famous film scenes with cartoon character voices. Expect a parade of big-name guests (Mark Hamill! E.G. Daily!) and the always irreverent Rob Paulsen.

Listen to Podcast: Talkin' Toons



There are of course more than seven voice over podcasts worth your time. We recommend you try these for starters and then seek out some of the more voice over niche related podcasts available. If you have a voice over specialty, chances are there is a podcast for you. Please feel free to tell us about any voice over podcasts that you dig in the comments below.



VOPlanet offers free voice over casting to professional voice actors. Interested in becoming a member of our VO Team? Learn more here.




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