It's easy to find and hire professional North American English voice over talent

Post Your Job
Fill out a quick form and your voice over job is instantly sent to our vetted, professional voice actors. Posting a voice over job is always completely free. You can start receiving auditions right away.

Listen To Auditions
Voice over audiitons are submitted to your personal dashboard. We only have vetted professional voice talent - no beginners here - so you'll only get quality voice overs. You can easily manage and shortlist favorites from any device.

Hire Voice Over Talent
Choose the voice you like and send a message to connect directly with the voice actor. Get your voice over and pay direct. No hidden fees, no commissions, just a direct connect to the perfect voice for your project.
Find a professional North American English voice talent now
VOPlant's Featured North American English Voice Actors
Work with the industry's best North American English voice over talent

North American English Voice Overs
VOPlanet is a trusted network of North American professional voice over talent. VOPlanet can connect you with professional American and Canadian voice talent with authentic North American accents. We specialize in English speaking voice over talent with the standard general American accent. Most of our voice over talent accept PayPal and TransferWise for easy payment.
Standard English Voice Talent For Every Project
You can easily find and hire male or female voice actors for teaching English, character dubbing, or localize your video game for an English audience. Are you ready to take your brand global? Get a professional North American corporate voice over to help your business reach the North American market. We also have voice talent how specialize in fast turn explainers, IVR phone prompts and eLearning courses.