DN All-Purpose Demo Reel (Feb 2023).mp3 |
All-Purpose Demo
Audiobook Sample
DN Demo Reel eLearning (Feb 2023).mp3 |
eLearning Demo
DN Demo Reel Narration (Feb 2023).mp3 |
Narration Demo
DN Demo Reel TELEPHONE MESSAGES (Mar 2023).mp3 |
Telephone Message Demo
Recent YouTube Narration
Recent Work
Source Connect
Bio and Credits
English (North American)
English (Transatlantic)
Voice Age
Middle Aged
Special Skills
IVR, Voicemail, Phone Systems or On-Hold Message
Training, Business Presentations, Sales and Web Sites
I specialize in expressive, conversational, and authoritative voiceovers, and can deliver a 1,500-word project in 24 hours or less.
My journalism background and three decades of experience as a communicator enable me to tell compelling stories that inform, educate, and persuade emotionally as well as intellectually. To prepare for this, I do the following:
1. Ask you as many questions as it takes for me to fully understand and apply your directions,
2. Study your script in depth to determine how best to perform it,
3. Record your voice-over in my professionally equipped studio, and
4. Carefully edit and master your voice over to the highest standards of quality.
My international client list includes The Rainforest Alliance, Lean Factory Technologies, Grupo Metelmex, Williams Pipelines, and more. My latest audiobook is Daddyman's Flying Adventures by David W. Clinthorne.
Please note:
• I will deliver in 24 hours for projects under 1500 words.
• I offer "Super-Fast" delivery, Please ask about it.
• Broadcast rights are extra.
• I'm not shy about auditioning. Send me 150 words or less. I'll read them - no cost or obligation
I am ready and eager to be of service. Feel free to place an order now!
My journalism background and three decades of experience as a communicator enable me to tell compelling stories that inform, educate, and persuade emotionally as well as intellectually. To prepare for this, I do the following:
1. Ask you as many questions as it takes for me to fully understand and apply your directions,
2. Study your script in depth to determine how best to perform it,
3. Record your voice-over in my professionally equipped studio, and
4. Carefully edit and master your voice over to the highest standards of quality.
My international client list includes The Rainforest Alliance, Lean Factory Technologies, Grupo Metelmex, Williams Pipelines, and more. My latest audiobook is Daddyman's Flying Adventures by David W. Clinthorne.
Please note:
• I will deliver in 24 hours for projects under 1500 words.
• I offer "Super-Fast" delivery, Please ask about it.
• Broadcast rights are extra.
• I'm not shy about auditioning. Send me 150 words or less. I'll read them - no cost or obligation
I am ready and eager to be of service. Feel free to place an order now!