What Does Work Direct Mean In Voice Overs?

Monday, July 22, 2024
Keyboard with a key that says connect. Work Direct with Voice Actors

Hiring Freelance Voice Talent

VOPlanet is a global voice over marketplace that connects creators with professional freelance voice talent. We often use the term “work direct” to describe our business model. So, what does "work direct" mean in the voice over industry? It means bypassing unnecessary fees, restrictions, and middleman hassles that can complicate the voice talent hiring and voice over production process. Here’s why choosing VOPlanet for your voice over needs can be a game-changer.





All About Voice Over Project Management Fees


What is a Voice Over Project Management Fee

Project management fees refer to charges imposed by some voice over platforms for overseeing and coordinating projects between clients and voice talent. Project management fees typically cover posting the job, short-listing auditions, managing communication with the voice talent, delivering the final voice over files and facilitating the payment.


How Much Is a Typical Project Management Fee

On certain platforms, project management fees can reach up to 20% of the total project cost. This means for a simple $500 project, $100 of that budget is going to the website, not the voice talent. If you’re working on a larger project, say a $5000 eLearning project, you’re paying the website $1000 just to post your voice over job for you.


Payment Processing Fees

Many voice over platforms impose payment processing fees ranging from 4% to 9% of the total transaction amount. These fees cover the costs associated with processing payments made by clients to voice actors. Often the payments are processed through typical online payment options, like PayPal, which charge fees of their own. These fees can add up quickly, affecting the overall cost of your voice over.


Project Management is Unnecessary

Managing your voice over project on VOPlanet is straightforward and efficient, making external project management unnecessary. With just a few clicks, you can quickly post your job for free and begin receiving auditions directly from professional voice actors.

The auditions you receive are displayed on an easy-to-use dashboard. You simply click play to listen to each audition. You can quickly review your proposals and save your favorites. You have the freedom to listen to auditions personally, ensuring that you find the perfect voice that matches your project's requirements.

Connecting with voice talent is as simple as sending a message. You can use the message box at the bottom of each voice actor profile to send a message directly to their email address. This makes direct communication easy for discussing project details. Once your project is complete, all professional voice actors on VOPlanet can provide you with a clear and easy-to-pay online invoice, streamlining the payment process without the need for additional management or processing fees.


Freedom and Flexibility To Work Together

Working direct empowers voice buyers with the freedom and flexibility to form long-term working relationships with voice talent. Unlike other platforms that require booking all subsequent work through their website, working direct means you can directly contact talent for future projects. This streamlined approach means clients can easily communicate with preferred voice actors outside of the platform, fostering efficient ongoing collaborations and maintaining direct relationships.


Transparent Communication

Working direct ensures transparent communication by facilitating direct interaction between voice buyers and talent. You can go off-site and openly discuss budgets and project details without constraints, fostering clarity and trust throughout the collaboration.

VOPlanet encourages unrestricted communication beyond the platform, allowing for seamless discussions and negotiations between parties. This transparency empowers voice buyers to manage projects quickly and efficiently while maintaining open dialogue with their chosen voice actors.



Hire a freelance voice actor



Working Direct Saves Time

Direct communication with voice talent can significantly save time. If you need to make changes to a script or request additional work, you can directly contact the voice actor without the delays involved in going through a project manager. This direct approach allows for immediate communication and swift adjustments, ensuring that your project stays on track and deadlines are met efficiently.


Access to More Voices

Voice buyers have access to a more diverse voice talent pool when working direct. Projects managed on some platforms prioritize voice actors who pay more to be featured, limiting the voice options presented to creators. A work direct approach ensures that clients have the freedom to explore a broader spectrum of voice talents, often discovering hidden gems and unique voices that perfectly match their project requirements. By working direct, creators can find more authentic and personalized voices for their voice over projects.


More Voice Over Buying Power

Project management fees and commissions on voice over platforms can significantly diminish your buying power, often consuming a substantial portion of your budget. When half of your funds go towards fees paid to the website, the quality of the voice over you’re able to buy will suffer.

At VOPlanet, working direct means we’ve eliminated these unnecessary costs, allowing you to allocate your entire voice over budget towards securing high-quality voice talent. By maximizing your buying power, you not only ensure a better quality voice over but also enhance the overall end product of your project.


 Working Direct Means Better Voice Overs

Let's break down the cost of purchasing a voice over with a budget of $1000. If you use a platform that charges a 20% service fee, that's $200 deducted right off the top, leaving you with $800. Additionally, factoring in a 9% payment processing fee on the remaining budget takes another $72, reducing your total to approximately $728 allocated for the voice over itself. When voice actors view your project, they see the $728 available for the voice over.

Now, let's consider the work direct approach. When you post a job with a budget of $1000 on a platform where all of that budget goes directly to the voice talent, you have the full amount available for the voice over. This means the entire $1000 is dedicated to securing the best talent for your project, without any deductions for platform fees or payment processing. Voice actors considering whether or not to audition for your job will see the full $1000. Experienced and talented voice actors are often attracted to higher paying jobs. Working direct maximizes your purchasing power and attracts higher quality voice talent.


Opting to work direct on a voice over casting site like VOPlanet offers advantages over platforms that charge management and processing fees and restrict communication. This direct approach not only enhances flexibility and efficiency in managing voice over projects, but also ensures that every dollar spent goes towards securing top-quality voice overs that elevate your project. Plus, you are making new voice over contacts and adding them to your personal list of favorite voice talent. Working direct empowers you to easily achieve your voice over goals with clarity, control, and exceptional results.


VOPlanet is a global marketplace that connects freelance voice actors with creators, casting directors and other voice buyers. You can post a voice over job for free and get auditions in minutes.


You may also enjoy: How To Find Voice Talent With the VOPlanet Voice Actor Directory

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