Find Fresh Voice Talent Without Voice Casting Site Fees
Are you frustrated that you keep getting auditions from the same voice actors when you cast a voice over? Do you know that you may be paying voice over sites thousands of dollars in unnecessary fees and commissions? Let's talk about why it's hard to find fresh voice talent on the corporate voice casting sites and what kinds of fees and commissions can affect your voice over budget. If you use a voice over casting site to find and hire voice actors, here are a few insights that might surprise you.

It’s easy to feel discouraged if you don’t land a voice over job after submitting an audition. However, each audition you submit on a casting site is far more valuable than just a single shot at… Read More

When it comes to setting rates as a voice actor, there’s a fine line between valuing your talent and pricing yourself out of the market. While many voice actors know not to underbid—undervaluing… Read More

How to Choose the Best Microphone for Voice Overs
You are searching for the holy grail of VO gear: the best microphone for voice overs. A quality microphone is essential for any voice actor aiming… Read More